Thursday, February 11, 2010

Had my First Session with a Personal Trainer

Janalee put me through the first workout tonight. It wasn't too bad, but I did work every muscle in my body. I started with a five-minute warm up on the bicycle, then a lot of work on a bosu ball. It definitely worked my lower body and core and served as a cardio blast, too. We then worked with free weights on my upper body, then did push-ups and lots and lots of different types of sit-ups. We finished the workout with stretching. I do think she underestimated my abilities. Nancy said the same thing about her new personal trainer. Nancy's first trainer graduated and moved on to the real world. I have another appointment on Monday evening.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Session with the Personal Trainer

The first meeting with my personal trainer this morning was just a fitness assessment. Guess what, I didn't do too well. Are you surprised about that? I am not. Here it goes: blood pressure is good; cardiovascular is very low; flexibility is fair to average; strength is excellent (yeah); Body age says I am 54 when my actual age is 29, oops I mean 49; my BMI is 37.4; and my Fat % is 50. Yes friends, I am 50% FAT. At least if I am shipwrecked at sea, I know I will float longer that any of you. Or, if we have a potato famine, I will have a good chance living off my body reserves until the weather improves. Or, if we are in a rolling-down-a-hill contest, I will probably win first prize with my round body over you flat bodied folks. Take that skinny friends. What a way to start my Tuesday!

Actually I am not surprised at any of the numbers. I have my first actual workout with Janalee (that is my personal trainer's name, she is a sophomore at K-State majoring in nutrition and kinesiology ) on Thursday evening. So, I will let you know how things go after that.

How are you doing on your fitness journey? Yes, I expect you to answer.
Mary Kay

Monday, February 1, 2010

Getting serious about this

Good Monday to all,
I am hiring a personal trainer at the K-State rec center for motivation to get back on track. Nancy has used a personal trainer for the last four months or so. It has provided her with good workouts and motivation, so what the heck I will try it too.

I know that I am not the only one out there reading this blog. Please share your 'status' or what is happening in your world of health and happiness.
Mary Kay