Thursday, February 11, 2010

Had my First Session with a Personal Trainer

Janalee put me through the first workout tonight. It wasn't too bad, but I did work every muscle in my body. I started with a five-minute warm up on the bicycle, then a lot of work on a bosu ball. It definitely worked my lower body and core and served as a cardio blast, too. We then worked with free weights on my upper body, then did push-ups and lots and lots of different types of sit-ups. We finished the workout with stretching. I do think she underestimated my abilities. Nancy said the same thing about her new personal trainer. Nancy's first trainer graduated and moved on to the real world. I have another appointment on Monday evening.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Session with the Personal Trainer

The first meeting with my personal trainer this morning was just a fitness assessment. Guess what, I didn't do too well. Are you surprised about that? I am not. Here it goes: blood pressure is good; cardiovascular is very low; flexibility is fair to average; strength is excellent (yeah); Body age says I am 54 when my actual age is 29, oops I mean 49; my BMI is 37.4; and my Fat % is 50. Yes friends, I am 50% FAT. At least if I am shipwrecked at sea, I know I will float longer that any of you. Or, if we have a potato famine, I will have a good chance living off my body reserves until the weather improves. Or, if we are in a rolling-down-a-hill contest, I will probably win first prize with my round body over you flat bodied folks. Take that skinny friends. What a way to start my Tuesday!

Actually I am not surprised at any of the numbers. I have my first actual workout with Janalee (that is my personal trainer's name, she is a sophomore at K-State majoring in nutrition and kinesiology ) on Thursday evening. So, I will let you know how things go after that.

How are you doing on your fitness journey? Yes, I expect you to answer.
Mary Kay

Monday, February 1, 2010

Getting serious about this

Good Monday to all,
I am hiring a personal trainer at the K-State rec center for motivation to get back on track. Nancy has used a personal trainer for the last four months or so. It has provided her with good workouts and motivation, so what the heck I will try it too.

I know that I am not the only one out there reading this blog. Please share your 'status' or what is happening in your world of health and happiness.
Mary Kay

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Need help

Hello friends,
I definitely need a little help. I am trying to 'get back with it' since the holiday season ended and am having difficulty feeling full. I think maybe I need to eat more protein, even as a snack. I need your suggestions on ideas for protein snacks as well as motivation to get back on track. I have started my workouts again at the Rec Center at K-State, but have not been able to walk much in the park or neighborhood because of snow and mud. AND, my body feels nasty right now because I am having one of those phases of serious joint pain from my anti-estrogen medications. As you can tell by this post, I am feeling awful and need some sisterhood help. Maybe it is because I haven't seen the sun in weeks?
Mary Kay

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tutti Frutti Biscuits

Good Sunday morning! Weekends give me time to do the things that I like....quilt and cook! Notice exercise was't listed...more about that later! I also like to garden but well, frankly that hasn't crossed my mind with the freezing temperature! So today I made a great recipe from the Hungry Girl Cookbook that I got for Christmas from Jody. I love the book. It is easy and doable...hope that is a word, Mary Kay! Anyway the recipe is called Tutti Frutti Biscuits. It is worth 2 Points for WW. It makes 4 biscuits so I had two today and 2 saved for Monday. I need to hide them from Greg!

2/3 cup canned bite sized fruit coctail packed in juice, drained well(this is important)
2/3 cup regular oats(not instant)
1/3 cup Bisquick Heart Smart baking mix
1/4 cup light vanilla soymilk(I used Blue Diamond Almond Breeze)
2 T. apricot preserves(I think any favor would work)
1T splenda
1T brown sugar(not packed)
2 t. light whipped butter melted and cooled
3/4 t baking powder
Dash salt
Mix preserves with drained fruit cocktail. Set aside. Mix all dry ingredients then add fruit and milk. Mound into four cookies. Bake at 425 for about 12 minutes until firm and slightly browned. I used parchment paper on my cookie sheet and they came off great! I also think you could use 1% or skim milk in place of soymilk or Almond Breeze. More about the Almond Breeze in another for it! These take a little time but I think you will feel like you are having a treat and isn't that what this is all about....being able to maintain eating healthy and not feel deprived!

If this seems like a lot of ingredients that you don't have just make a list the next time you are going to the store and get the needed items. I will post more recipes that use them ! I also think you could use any fruit packed in water like peaches.

You know that exercise thing I mentioned well I am getting back on the Nordic Track. I do like how I feel when I am faithful so I will let you know how I am doing in the next post. Happy Sunday.


PS I need to get one of those clickers that Kelly are right........ makes you think twice about putting a Hershey's Kiss in your mouth when you have to CLICK IT!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Recipe Websites

I've had a few days (count 'em 3) of being cooped up in the house thanks to the cold weather, so I've been doing a lot of internet surfing. I stumbled across a couple of different recipe websites that I thought I'd share, hopefully you'll find them useful.
1. Pioneer Woman- okay not a weight loss website but we all need a few indulgences right? Might I add, I love Pioneer Woman!
2. Skinny Weight Watcher Recipes- she gives good recipes and lists the points next to each recipe.
3. Anita's Tried & True Heart Health Recipes
4. I love and they have a wide selection of recipes too.

Hopefully you'll find something good and low-cal to make, let us know if you do!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kelly is trying to get back on Plan

Here is my little friend who keeps me honest in my eating.

This is a $5 Weight Watchers "clicker" that I keep in my pocket. I start the day with the number of points I can eat, as I eat things I click off the number of points. It just keeps me accountable for what I put in my mouth. Today was much different than the last three days because of the clicker. I wanted to pick up a brownie & a no bake cookie but I knew if I put it in my mouth I had to click off the points so I left them alone.

I hope I am just as successful tomorrow.